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By semi-popular demand, a few pages of classroom activities organised into area, level and skill.
I haven't included detailed instructions in most cases as the activities will be clear to most teachers. It would be fair to say that although all these activities are my own work, they often involve material from other sources, for example the BBC.
All of these activities are my own creation, although they are based on existing TEFL activities. In other words, I wrote all my own role plays, but I didn't invent role-playing.
If you need any guidance on using these activities in class, email me:

My Lessons at BBC Teaching English

Talking about the past
Conversation Lesson - News
Conversation Lesson - Neighbours
Conversation Lesson - Advertising
Conversation Lesson - School
Conversation Lesson - Money
Choosing a House - Elementary
Cheat and Swindle Holidays - Debate/disagreement
Conversation Lesson - Success and Fame
Choosing a School
The Sinking of the Third Conditional
Conversation Lesson - Music


Word file Role Plays Alternative Medicine UI
Word file Role Plays Climate Change UI Adv
Word file Role Plays Money Pre Int and Int
Word file Role Plays Opening a New Restaurant Pre Int
Word file Role Plays Stereotypes UI
Word file Role Plays ET Pre Int and Int
Word file Role Plays Ghosts Pre Int and Int
Word file Role Plays Litigation Int
Word file Role Plays Night Out Pre Int
Word file Role Plays New Shop Int
Word file Role Plays Plastic Surgery Int
Word file Role Plays Success Int
Role Plays Telepathy UI
Word file Role Plays Time of Life Int
Word file Debate Bank Manager Int
Word file Debate Downloading Int
Word file Debate Globalisation Adv
Word file Debate International English Adv
Word file Debate School Int
Word file Debate Space vs Charity Int
Word file Debate Family Feud Pre Int
Word file Debate Sports Stars Ethics Adv
Word file Debate Advertising Agency Int
Word file Debate Bad Neighbours Int
Word file Choose your own neighbours Intermediate
Word file Choosing a British Holiday (Upper Int)
Word file Choosing a Holiday (Int)
Word file Choosing a New Leader (Upper Int)