Site Logo  Horncastle
Horncastle Methodist Church

Current arrangements

The church has all Covid rules in place. We close when instructed to do so. If you have concerns, please contact Deacon Jane on , Rev Gordon, details on Contacts page. See notice board for updates and other contact information.


The Horncastle page of this website is being managed by Alan Paine. Contact him on with any updates required
10.30am - Morning Worship -every Sunday
On line services will continue at 3:30 pm on Sundays until further notice
Coffee is not currently served after services in the church.
6pm . . . . When there is an evening service at Queen Street, eg Rejoice, which is an ecumenical service Please see the notice board for details. NB....Some special services are at different times.
Save the date....
��Mid-Summer Fayre ��
Saturday 26th June - 10am - 12 noon
puzzles : games : crafts plants & seedlings books : gifts : cakes coffee & tea served ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
**NB - Subject to Covid rules applicable on the day**

Current plan


Children in Church

Children in Church
Children in Church

Certificated Fairtrade Church

Queen Street Methodist Chapel is a Fairtrade church.

Fairtrade Fortnight is in February each year, but we serve FAIRTRADE goods all year round. Please see the link below for details of the good you can do for people.

Through Fairtrade they will have decent working and living conditions, be able to send their children to school and to know that the work they do is valued and not exploited.


Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Youth Hall at Queen Street. 9.45 - 11.15am. £1 per family. A fun and entertaining morning for all concerned.

Letter to Future Generations......


Bible study.

Thursdays, 10am - 12 noon is Bible study in the Wesley room.

You are welcome to just come along.

Please click on this link to access The Bible On-line.

Circuit Mission Statement

Please see the HOME page and CIRCUIT INFORMATION to read the statement.

History of Methodism in Horncastle.


The first Wesleyan Methodist chapel was built in 1786 in the district known as The Wong or Cagthorpe. It was replaced by a new chapel on the same site in 1806.

In 1837 a new chapel was built on Queen Street, which was in turn replaced by a new chapel on the same site in 1870. This chapel was found to be unsafe and closed in 1962.

It was replaced on the same site by the present chapel which opened in 1965. (During the re-building of the Queen Street premises, 1962-1965, the congregation worshipped at Holy Trinity Anglican Church).

The cross - look closely.

Look closely
Look closely

The Cross

When I survey the wondrous cross, on which the Prince of Glory died, my richest gain I count but loss and pour contempt on all my pride.

COVID - please note

Please see notice board for current arrangements and times.

Queen Street Congregation

Sunday morning at Queen Street
Sunday morning at Queen Street

This Church needs you....

Do you have any ideas for social events that would also raise funds? Why not arrange an event, it's up to everyone! If you'd like to suggest an event - please do, you know that you'll get a lot of support if you arrange it!


The chapel address and post code.

This is a living church with a calm, light and airy chapel for worship, with a plain but beautiful wooden cross above the altar.

Though off the beaten track the building is easily accessible and marked by a large cross to the front.

Car parking avaialble.
The Methodist Church
Queen Street

Note the ""signpost on the A158"", it's on the left as you head east from Lincoln area, just after the 2nd lot of traffic lights in Horncastle. Turn right on to Queen Street and you will see the chapel and car park.

Pastoral care

Please feel free to contact any Minister or steward in confidence to ask for a Pastoral visit.

Safeguarding Update


Daily Prayer link. . . .

Community Events - photographs




Rev Bruce Thompson


Raithby Chapel - events.


Ecumenical Matters & HORNCASTLE MATTERS


Diary link


Ecumenical news link


Scamblesby Ramblers' Haven

Wolds Methodist Centre Ramblers' Haven

Circuit Information Link


Photographs of recent circuit events