Chairmans Quickfire Questions
1. Name? Andrew Smith
2. Age? 25 Years Old
3. What is your day job? Agricultural Service Technician
4. Whats your Favourite Song? So many to choose from but when I think of the ultimate song from a YF Party, it has to be 'All These Things That I've Done' by the Killers
5. Which YFC Club do you belong to? North Holland YFC, Big Club in the Middle of Nowhere
6. How long have you been a YFC member? 6 Years
7. Favourite YFC event attended to date and why? Every Event is a favourite, whether it be club or county. There are so many opportunities to meet new people and friends. For anyone who doesn't attend these socials, I'd urge you to as its one of the best things on offer from the federation
Chairmans Quickfire Questions Continued...
8. What would you like to see happen in the future with YFC The future of YF is currently very challenging, finances is a word on everyone's mind, at club, county and national. Trying to secure funding and grant money is becoming more and more difficult. Budgets are being stretched to their limits!
Obviously I would like to see the reverse of all this, So that members can benefit from what young farmers has to offer even more. I would also like to see an increase in membership to meet more people!
9.If you were stranded on Island YFC, what three things would you take with you?
1. Rounders Set: Got to be the greatest YF game
2. An Ipod with all the best YF Songs
3. Deck Chair, to sit and relax