Site Logo  For Students
of English
I can only do this job and travel because there are people who want to study my language. If I have no students I have to stay in England and work in an office. Maybe a school there? Well no, I prefer to travel the world and meet some of its great people . I have made friends in Italy, Kyrgyzstan, Egypt and now Kazakhstan, and my students have always been really nice and friendly.
I can also say that lots of my students have learned English very well with me, and I think I know some very good ways to teach English. So I’ve decided to include a page for students on my website.
There is not a lot here, I’m sorry. But here are some of my grammar files if they can help you a bit. And there are some tips too. And a spreadsheet with links to a lot of websites. That is probably the most useful thing on the page at the moment.
If you have any ideas for this page you can email me.

Idiomatic Language - email me for more detail

Useful Expressions
Word file Verbs not used in the continuous tenses
Word file Past Continuous
Word file Past Continuous 2
Word file Past Simple and Past Continuous
Word file Present Simple - Form
Word file Present Continuous
Word file Present Perfect - Form
Word file Present Perfect and Past Simple - The difference
Word file Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives
Word file Reported and Direct Speech


Here are some things giving information about English grammar.
Word file Adverbs and Adverbial Expressions
Word file Articles
Word file Basic Present Simple
Word file Can and be able to
Word file Can - Italian version
Word file Cleft sentences
Word file Comparative and Superlative - Form
Word file Comparative and Superlative - Irregular
Word file Complements
Word file Second Conditional
Word file Few, Little - Rules
Word file Present Simple
Word file Future Tense Rules
Word file Gerund
Word file Going to and will for future time
Word file Grammar Glossary of Terms
Word file Cleft Sentences Rules
Word file Have and Have Got
Word file Irregular Verbs List
Word file Modal Verb Table
Word file Modal Verbs Information

Student Websites

This is a spreadsheet (not finished) which you can use to search for websites. If you know how to use Microsoft Excel, you can filter the data.
Email me if you have any questions ctrickett @
Excel file Here

Advice for Students

Here are some general tips, useful for everybody.
Word file General Advice
Word file How to improve your vocabulary
Word file Improving your reading skills - for higher levels
Word file IELTS or TOEFL?
Word file Possessive 's - The Saxon Genitive
Word file Subject and Object Pronouns
Word file Tags
Word file The Third Person S
Word file To Be
Word file Would Like
Word file Would Like - Italian version