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UMC Coningsby Methodist Church
WELCOME TO UMC METHODIST CHURCH We are situated in Silver Street, with a large public car-park to the rear, for which there is a charge although the first two hours are free.

The Chapel is thirteen years old , it was once a doctors surgery, but a revamp enabled us to redesign the building to what we have today. There are various rooms which lend themselves to small or large meetings , and the whole the chapel lends itself to away days for churches or small groups. Please phone our booking secretary if you are interested in this idea. Angela Appleyard 01526 342512

Sunday morning worship is at 10.30 am you will receive a warm welcome , and we would love to see you.We have audio/visual equipment, PA system, Loop system. We also have large print hymn books for those who need them.

Open quotesFor the Lord is good, and his love endures forever, his faithulness continues through all generations.
Psalm 100
Close quotes-
United Methodist Church Coningsby,19 Silver Street, Coningsby, Lincolnshire. LN4 4SG

The Chapel is signposted from the A153. A large car park behind the chapel is accessed by the first left turn after the chapel.


Revd Gordon Davis 01526 341582

Mrs Irene Heap - 01526 343556
Mrs Lorna Curtis - 01526 342333
Mrs Sue MacFall - 01526 342018

For Bookings
Mrs Angela Appleyard 01526 342512
Howard Smedley, Lincolnshire District Safeguarding Officer on 07758239286