Hope in Troubled Times (after Matthew 5.3-12)
HOPE-FULL are those who are in darkness for light is within them.
HOPE-FULL are those who have lost for they shall gain something new.
HOPE-FULL are the inarticulate for they will be understood.
HOPE-FULL are those who long for better days for they have arrived in a place where God dwells.
HOPE-FULL are those who companion the distressed for they shall not be overwhelmed.
HOPE-FULL are those whose intentions are good for they are partnering God.
HOPE-FULL are those who bring the anxious to rest for theirs is a crucial role.
HOPE-FULL are the misunderstood and marginalised for they are not alone.
HOPE-FULL are you when people deliberately bring you down, getting a kick from your despair simply because you refuse to appreciate that you are doing God’s will.
Never forget that you stand in a long line of people who have expressed HOPE IN TROUBLED TIMES.